To help you create a clear vision of the best headshot photo session for your needs and budget.
Before picking up the phone to schedule a headshot session there are a few things you should already know about what you want. You may know that you need to make an update and create fresh imagery but perhaps you don’t have a clear vision of what you’re looking for. Ultimately, headshots come down to having a dynamic expression and good lighting but there are some additional things to think about to make sure you book the best session to fulfill your needs and represent your brand. This post is designed to help you ask yourself the right questions before you book a headshot session, so you have a solid vision of how you want to present yourself and will get the imagery you want from your Oahu headshot session.

1. Do you need a variety of looks or just one great image?
Headshot sessions are generally priced based on how many looks you want to create. Think about whether you want to try multiple backdrops and outfits or if you just want to put on your favorite outfit and shoot on one backdrop. Consider whether showcasing yourself in your workplace would represent you even better with an environmental headshot in the office or outdoors.
2. How the photos will be used?
If it’s just for printing up your new business cards or a Linkedin image one great headshot is probably enough. Also, since biz cards are small the image itself is generally no bigger than a stamp so the face and expression can be lost with a headshot that includes too much of the torso. A tight headshot works best in these cases. On the other hand, if you’re printing up brochures, creating a new website, marketing materials, or rebranding your look; a more extensive headshot session that can generate a variety of looks that will suit your needs better.

3. What color or tone do you prefer for a backdrop?
If you’re clear about this then you can ask your Oahu Headshot Photographer from the start if they have what you’re looking for and they can have everything ready to go when you arrive for your session. Ask yourself if your brand has any defining colors that you want to match on your website or marketing materials. For the most part business headshots are photographed on light or dark neutral colors such as greys, browns, beiges, blues, white, & black. Models, actors, and creatives can get away with a little more color pop, so if that’s what you’re looking for be sure to ask what colors the headshot studio carries or if they can swap a background for something specific. If you’re not sure what you prefer ask the headshot photographer what they recommend based on your skin tone, hair, and the color of your clothing options.