Someone asked us recently what our most popular package is and without hesitation we responded, the Mini Headshot Session! It seems to suit the needs of most people best. Most of our business clients are just looking for one great shot. So what is it about the mini headshot session that makes it so popular? It’s kind of like Goldilocks & the 3 Bears…
One session is a little too cold. With the X-Press Session, you walk out the door with one great image only. There is no retouching. That’s enough for many folks. It can also save you some $$. Yet, the end result isn’t quite as polished as it be with professional retouching.
Then there’s the Pro Headshot Session which is just a little too hot for many folks. Not everyone needs multiple looks, multiple locations, outfit changes, and different backdrops or lighting set-ups. This session is a bigger investment of time and money (Not a lot, but for some it’s just more than necessary.) This session is , more ideal for those who need a wider variety of images for branding
That leaves the Mini Headshot Session. It seems to be just the right amount for most business professionals. This session provides them with the best combination of price & service. With this session you’re in & out within 60min. You can shoot a couple different looks (think formal business & a casual look in aloha attire), keep all your favorite images, and choose your best 2 shots for retouching. This ensures your final image is the most polished and professional representation of yourself.
Have more questions about our sessions? Don’t hesitate to reach out by email or phone. We’ll help you figure out which session will be the best fit for your unique needs! With all of our sessions your satisfaction is guaranteed with Hawaii Headshot Photos.