In an era where your social and business encounter takes place primarily on the Internet, your profile picture has a decisive impact; It creates the first impression (determined in a few seconds), provides information about you and hence brings you closer or distances you from opportunities to meet in the real world. In an era where your social and business encounter takes place primarily on the Internet, your profile picture has a decisive impact; It creates the first impression (determined in a few seconds), provides information about you and hence brings you closer or distances you from opportunities to meet in the real world. Modern dating has changed drastically with the invent of the internet. How do you increase your chances of finding a partner in the virtual world? Read our 10 recommendations for taking the perfect profile picture for Facebook or dating sites.
Millions of men and  women in the USA are free. Almost every second American, will enter an online social network in an attempt to search for a potential partner. For this reason, finding the man or woman of your heart may be just a picture away from you. So, how can you increase your chances of finding a partner in the virtual world and transferring them to your real world life?
Choose images that will make a positive impression on those viewing you for the first time. It may sound superficial but the reality is thatyour image conveys an external impression with subtle allusions to character expressed in a smile, the nature of clothes you wear, the type of accessories you choose, the background and type of lighting, they all create an atmosphere that identifies you nonverbally beyond your name.
On dating sites, people are measured by the degree of interest they produce in their profile picture. If the picture impresses in some way peopole decide they want to know more about the person. If the picture does not generate interest immediately  people are very quick to skip on to the next possibility if there’s no attraction and curiosity.
In an era where your initial social and business encounters take place primarily on the Internet, your profile picture has a decisive impact. It creates the first impression (determined in a few seconds), provides information about you and hence either brings you closer to or distances you from opportunities to meet in the real world.
When it comes to photos, what separates the good from the bad, the professional from the amatuer? When should you be photographed, what should be worn and what rules should you be careful about?
Read our basic rules for creating the ultimate profile picture:
1. Image quality
Keep a high-quality profile picture (head and shoulders) that you can see clearly (sunglasses are not an option). A good picture is taken from a reasonable distance (about 3-5ft), and the background out of focus.  For formal needs (a website for your business or for job interviews and work email), it is important to keep the background uniform. For social needs (profiles on social networks, dating sites), you can choose a less binding background, like a natural landscape.
2. Keep an up-to-date picture
The image should look like you in a real encounter! So keep an up-to-date picture of the current year. It’s recommended to renew the image every two years on average, or at least every time you make a dramatic change in your appearance.
3. Smile for the camera
A smile in your image is a way of giving a handshake and saying, “nice to meet you.” A smile softens the atmosphere and creates a sense of closeness and intimacy. Of course, a forced or fake smile does not go well so take a deep breath, relax, and take all the time you need to produce a genuine expression.
4. Maintain authenticity
If you have curly hair, don’t straighten for photo. If you always wear eyeglasses, don’t remove them in front of the camera.  Be your authentic self. We recommend uploading photos that have not been processed by Photoshop, because when you meet in the real world, there may be a disappointing gap between how you look in person and a polished picture. This date will have little chance of continuity for many reasons.
5. Avoid over-exposing
Your profile picture should be neutral and serve you in appealing to broad audiences. Shocking can cause resistance and discomfort among certain populations on the net. Please note that some of them have the potential to be future clients or employers.
6. Take photos in daylight
Lighting on the face is most flattering when uniform, without shadow. Shadows on the face can draw attention to imperfections in skin texture such as acne or wrinkles and won’t help you look your best.  Photography in natural daylight (in the early hours of the morning or at dusk) gives softness to the face.
7. Dress according to the nature of your work or personality
For formal image needs dress according to your line of work: if you are engaged in a creative profession, such as artists, designers, graphic artists, actors, architects – colorful, unusual clothes are more acceptable. You can wear a hat or glasses with a character.
Formal professionals, such as lawyers, doctors, accountants, engineers, architects – wear clothes that you wear to work.
A group of informal professions, such as psychologists, therapists, social media people, caregivers, for example, should choose soft fabrics and colors which give a feeling of warmth and softness.
8. Keep your head straight and look directly at the camera
Many people photograph with their heads tilted to the side. We recommend to raise your head and look directly at the camera.
9. Patience. patience. patience.
Relax, it’s normal to take at least 50 images in a seesion to find a couple that you love.
Finally, don’t hesitate to contact a professional photographer to help you capture you at your best. Contact us to find out more about booking a headshot session for creating a dating profile shot that will help you get the date!
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